I am thrilled to announce that I received the Villum Young Investigator grant from Villum Fonden last week in Copenhagen at a beautiful ceremony in the Black Diamond.
Thank you, Villum Fonden, for believing in my ideas and supporting my research! I am beyond excited to have this chance to purse my scientific interests here in Denmark!
This grant will allow me to establish my research team at Institut for Ecoscience - Aarhus Universitet to develop novel aquatic ecosystem models to improve our projections of non-linear and stochastic processes.
🌊 For non-linear processes like deep-water mixing and phytoplankton dynamics, it seems that the theory-based approach is limiting our abilities to simulate their dynamics due to stochasticity, ecological complexity, and the conundrum that ecology does not follow the "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics". At the same time, machine learning has revolutionized the sciences by its ability to extract information from data of complex systems. Using the momentum of Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning, my research project will explore novel hybridizations of machine learning and ecological knowledge to update our conceptual thinking about ecosystem processes and to improve aquatic ecosystem model performance.
It was a pleasure to talk to the other grant recipients last week and to learn more about their upcoming research projects. Good luck to all of you!
The grant will fund a PhD student and a Postdoctoral researcher. Further, it will allow me to continue active collaborations with colleagues in Denmark, Europe and North America.
Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement of the PhD position in this project!