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Overview of published journal articles
(* indicates shared co-first authorship)
Peer-reviewed publications
29. F. Olsson, C.C. Carey, C. Boettiger, G. Harrison, R. Ladwig, M.F. Lapeyrolerie, A.S.L. Lewis, M.E. Lofton, F. Montealegre-Mora, J.S. Rabaey, C.J. Robbins, X. Yang, and R.Q. Thomas, What can we learn from 100,000 freshwater forecasts? a synthesis from the neon ecological forecasting challenge, Ecological Applications (2024).
28. J.P. Mesman, C.C. Barbosa, A.S.L Lewis, F. Olsson, S. Calhoun-Grosch, H.-P. Grossart, R. Ladwig, R.S. La Fuente, K. Münzner, L.G.T. Nkwalale, R.M. Pilla, K. Suresh, and D.J. Wain, Challenges of open data in aquatic sciences: issues faced by data users and data providers, Frontiers in Environmental Science (2024).
27. L. Xu, Z.S. Feiner, P. Frater, G.J.A. Hansen, R. Ladwig, C.P. Paukert, M. Verhoeven, L. Wszola, and O.P. Jensen, Asymmetric impacts of climate change on thermal habitat suitability for inland lake fishes, Nature Communications (2024).
26. M. Shikhani, J. Feldbauer, R. Ladwig, J. Feldbauer, D. Mercado-Bettin, T.N. Moore, A. Gevorgyan, A. Misakyan, M. Schultze, B. Boehrer, T. Shatwell, K. Barfus, and K. Rinke, Combining a multi-lake model ensemble and a multi-domain cordex climate data ensemble for assessing climate change impacts on Lake Sevan, Water Resources Research (2024).
25. H.A. Dugan, R. Ladwig, P. Schramm, and N.R. Lottig, Snow removal cools a small dystrophic lake, Limnology & Oceanography Letters (2024).
24. S. Lin, Don C. Pierson, R. Ladwig, B. Kraemer, and Fenjuan R.S. Hu, Multi-model machine learning approach accurately predicts lake dissolved oxygen with meteorological and hydrological input, Earth and Space Science 11 (2024).
23. K. Ilgen, D. Schindler, A. Armbruster, R. Ladwig, I. Eppinger Ruiz de Zarate, and J. Lange, Evaporation reduction and energy generation potential using floating photovoltaic power plants on the Aswan High Dam Reservoir, Hydrological Sciences Journal (2024).
22. S. Piccolroaz, S. Zhu, R. Ladwig, L. Carrea, S. Oliver, A.P. Piotrowski, M. Ptak, R. Shinohara, M. Sojka, R.-I. Woolway, and D. Z. Zhu, Lake water temperature modeling in an era of climate change: Data sources, models, and future prospects, Review of Geophysics 62 (2024).
21. M.F. Meyer, S.N. Topp, T.V. King, R. Ladwig, R.M. Pilla, H.A. Dugan, J.R. Eggleston, S.E. Hampton, D.M. Leech, I.A. Oleksy, J.C. Ross, M.R.V. Ross, R.I. Woolway, X. Yang, M.R. Brousil, K.C. Fickas, J.C. Padoswki, A.I. Pollard, J. Ren, and J.A. Zwart, National-scale remotely sensed lake trophic state from 1984 through 2020, Scientific Data 11 (2024).
20. K. Frieler, J. Volkholz, S. Lange, J. Schewe, M. Mengel, M. Del Rocio Rivas Lopez, C. Otto, C.P.O. Reyer, D.N. Karger, J.T. Malle, S. Treu, C. Menz, J.L. Blanchard, C.S. Harrison, C.M. Petrik, T.D. Eddy, K. Ortega-Cisoneros, C. Novaglio, Y. Rousseau, R.A. Watson, C. Stock, R. Liu X, abd Heneghan, D. Tittensor, O. Maury, M. Büchner, T. Vogt, T. Wang, F. Sun, I.J. Sauer, J. Koch, I. Vanderkelen, J. Jägermeyr, C. Müller, S. Rabin, J. Klar, I.D. Vega del Valle, G. Lasslop, S. Chadburn, E. Burke, A. Gallego-Sala, N. Smith, J. Chang, S. Hantson, C. Burton, A. Gädeke, F. Li, S.N. Gosling, H.M. Schmied, F. Hattermann, J. Wang, F. Yao, T. Hickler, R. Marce, D. Pierson, W. Thiery, D. Mercado- Bettin, R. Ladwig, A.I. Ayala, M. Forrest, and M. Bechtold, Scenario set-up and forcing data for impact model evaluation and impact attribution within the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a), Geoscientific Model Development (2024).
19. R. Ladwig, A. Daw, E.A. Albright, C. Buelo, A. Kartpatne, M.F. Meyer, A. Neog, P.C. Hanson, and H.A. Dugan, Modular compositional learning improves 1D hydrodynamic lake model performance by merging process-based modeling with deep learning, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2023).
18. P.C. Hanson, R. Ladwig, C. Buelo, E. Albright, A. Delany, and C.C. Cayelan, Legacy phosphorus and ecosystem memory control future water quality in a eutrophic lake, JGR Biogeosciences (2023).
17. A. Delany, R. Ladwig, C. Buelo, E. Albright, and P.C. Hanson, The Influence of Carbon Cycling on Oxygen Depletion in North-Temperate Lakes, Biogeosciences (2023).
16. R. Rohwer*, R. Ladwig*, H.A. Dugan, P.C. Hanson, J. Walsh, and J. Vander Zanden, The aftermath of a foodweb cascade: Increased anoxia following invasive species introduction in a eutrophic lake, Limnology & Oceanography Letters (2023), *co-first authors.
15. S.E. Hampton, J.S. Baron, R. Ladwig, R.P. McClure, M.F. Meyer, I.A. Oleksy, and A. Shampain,
Warming-induced changes in benthic redox as a potential driver of increasing filamentous algal
blooms in high-elevation lakes, Limnology & Oceanography Letters (2023).
14. S. La Fuente, E. Jennings, G. Gal, G. Kirillin, T. Shatwell, R. Ladwig, T. Moore, R.-M. Couture,
M. Côté, C.L.R. Vinnå, and R.I. Woolway, Multi-model projections of future evaporation in a sub-
tropical lake, Journal of Hydrology (2022).
13. J. Feldbauer, T.N. Moore, J. Mesman, R. Ladwig., T. Berendonk, H. Zündorf, and T. Petzoldt, Ensemble of models show coherent response of a reservoir’s stratification and ice cover to climate
warming, Aquatic Sciences (2022).
12. R. Ladwig, A.P. Appling, A. Delany, H. Dugan, L. Gao, N. Lottig, J. Stachelek, and P. Hanson, Long-term change in metabolism phenology across North Temperate Lakes, Limnology & Oceanography, 20 (2022).
11. M. Golub, W. Thiery, R. Marce, D. Pierson, I. Vanderkelen, D. Mercado, R.I. Woolway, L. Grant,
E. Jennings, J. Schewe, F. Zhao, K. Frieler, M. Mengel, V.Y. Bogomolov, D. Bouffard, R.-M. Cou-
ture, A.V. Debolskiy, B. Droppers, G. Gal, M. Guo, A.B.G. Janssen, G. Kirillin, R. Ladwig, M. Magee, T. Moore, M. Perroud, S. Piccolroaz, L. Raaman Vinaa, M. Schmid, T. Shatwell, V.M. Stepanenko, Z. Tan, H. Yao, R. Adrian, M. Allan, O. Anneville, L. Arvola, K. Atkins, L. Boegman, C. Carey, K. Christianson, E. de Eyto, C. DeGasperi, M. Grechushnikova, J. Hejzlar, K. Joehnk, I.D. Jones, A. Laas, E.B. Mackay, I. Mammarella, H. Markensten, C. McBride, D. Özkundakci, M. Potes, K. Rinke, D. Robertson, J. Rusak, R. Salgado, L. van den Linden, P. Verburg, D. Wain, N.K. Ward, S. Wollrab, and G. Zdorovennova, A framework for ensemble modelling of climate change impacts on lakes worldwide: the ISIMIP Lake Sector, Geoscientific Model Development (2022).
10. D. Robertson, B. Siebers, R. Ladwig, D. Hamilton, P. Reneau, C. McDonald, S. Prellwitz, and
R. Lathrop, Response of green lake, wisconsin, to changes in phosphorus loading, with special
emphasis on near-surface total phosphorus concentrations and metalimnetic dissolved oxygen
minima, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5003, 77 (2022).
9. K. Atkins, T. Shannon, M. Meyer, I. Oleksy, N. Framsted, D. Gurung, and R. Ladwig, Integrating
periphyton and surface water-groundwater methods to understand lake ecosystem processes,
Limnology & Oceanography Methods (2022).
8. R. Ladwig, L. Rock, and H. Dugan, Impact of salinization on lake stratification and spring mixing, Limnology & Oceanography Letters (2021).
7. T.N. Moore*, J. Mesman*, R. Ladwig*, J. Feldbauer*, F. Olsson, R. Pilla, J. Venkiteswaran, A. Delany, T. Shatwell, K. Rose, H. Dugan, and J. Read, LakeEnsemblR: An R package that facilitates
ensemble modelling of lakes, Environmental Modelling and Software 105101 (2021), *co-first
6. R.I. Woolway, S. Sharma, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, M. Golub, D. Mercado-Bettín, M. Perroud, V. Stepanenko, Z. Tan, L. Grant, R. Ladwig, J. Mesman, T.N. Moore, T. Shatwell, I. Vanderkelen, J.A. Austin, C.L. DeGasperi, M. Dokulil, S. La Fuente, E.B. Mackay, S.G. Schladow, S. Watanabe, R. Marcé, D.C. Pierson, W. Thiery, and E. Jennings, Phenological shifts in lake stratification under climate change, Nature Communications 12 (2021).
5. R. Ladwig, P. Hanson, H. Dugan, C. Cayelan, Y. Zhang, L. Shu, C. Duffy, and K. Cobourn, Lake
thermal structure drives inter-annual variability in summer anoxia dynamics in a eutrophic lake
over 37 years, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25, 1009–1032 (2021).
4. C.C. Barbosa, M.C. Caliijuri, A.C. Albe dos Santos, R. Ladwig, L.F.A de Oliveira, and A.C. Sarmento, Future projections of water level and thermal regime changes of a multipurpose subtropical reservoir (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Science of the Total Environment 770, 144741 (2021).
3. M. Hupfer, S. Jordan, C. Herzog, C. Ebeling, R. Ladwig, M. Rothe, and J. Lewandowski, Chironomid larvae enhance phosphorus burial in lake sediments: Insights from long-term and short-term experiments, Science of the Total Environment 663, 254–264 (2019).
2. R. Ladwig, E. Furusato, G. Kirillin, R. Hinkelmann, and M. Hupfer, Climate change demands adap tive management of urban lakes: Model-based assessment of management scenarios for Laken Tegel (Berlin, Germany), Water 10(2), 186 (2018).
1. R. Ladwig, L. Heinrich, G. Singer, and M. Hupfer, Sediment core data reconstruct the management history and usage of a heavily modified urban lake in Berlin, Germany, Environ Sci Pollut Res. 24, 25166–25178 (2017).
5. M. Meyer, R.T. Hensley, C.C. Barbosa, J.J. Borrelli, J. Feldbauer, M.E. Harlan, B. Kuyumcu, R. Ladwig, J.P. Mesman, R.M. Pilla, Q. Zhan, J.A. Zwart, A.I. Ayala, C.B: Brnkerhoff, D. Kneis, D. Mercado-Bettin, C. Nickles, D.C. Pierson, P. Thongthaisong, and I. Vanderkelen, The 2024 "Hacking Limnology" workshop series and virtual summit: Increasing inclusion, participation, and representation in the aquatic sciences, Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin (2024).
4. M. Meyer*, M.E. Harlan*, R.T. Hensley*, Q. Zhan*, , N.S. Börekçi*, C. Barbosa, J. Borrelli, T. Bucak, A.N. Cramer, J. Feldbauer, R. Ladwig, J.P. Mesman, I.A. Oleksy, R.M. Pilla, J.A. Zwart, E. Calamita, N.J. Gubbins, M.E. Lofton, D.A. Maciel, N.S. Marzolf, F. Olsson, A.N. Thellman, R.Q. Thomas, and M.J. Vlah, Hacking Limnology Workshops and DSOS23: Growing a workforce for the nexus of data science, open science, and the aquatic sciences, Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin (-) (2023), *co-first authors
3. M. Meyer*, C.C. Barbosa*, R. Ladwig*, J.P. Mesman*, N.S. Börekçi, K. Cawley, J. Feldbauer, I.A.Oleksy, R.M. Pilla, P.Q. Tran, J.A. Zwart, N.A. Schnedler-Meyer, T.K. Andersen, M.R. Brousil, K.C.Fickas, A. Filazzola, T.V. King, N. Sanchez-Lopez, V. Stengel, and D. Trolle, Hacking Limnology Workshop and DSOS22: Creating a Community of Practice for the Nexus of Data Science, OpenScience, and the Aquatic Sciences, Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin (-) (2022), *co-first authors.
2. M. Meyer*, R. Ladwig*., J. Mesman*, I. Oleksy*, C. Barbosa, K. Cawley, A. Cramer, J. Feldbauer,P. Tran, J. Zwart, G. López Moreira, M. Shikhani, D. Gurung, R. Hensley, E. Matta, R. McClure,Sánchez-López N. Petzoldt, T., K. Soetaert, M.M. Thomas, and S. Topp, The AEMON-J "Hacking Limnology" Workshop Series and Virtual Summit: Incorporating Data Science Open Science inAquatic Research, Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin (-) (2021), *co-first authors.
1. M. Meyer*, R. Ladwig*, H. Dugan, A. Anderson, A. Bah, B. Boehrer, L. Borre, R. Chapina, C. Doyle, E. Favot, G. Flaim, P. Forsberg, P. Hanson, B. Ibelings, P. Isles, F.-P. Lin, D. Lofton, T. Moore,S. Peel, J. Petes, D. Pierson, L. de Senerpont Domis, J. Schloss, M. Shikhani, A. Smagula, J. Stock-well, P. Thomas, R.Q. Thomas, T. Tietjen, and K. Weathers, Virtual growing pains: Initial lessonslearned from organizing virtual workshops, Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin (-) (2021), *co-first authors.
Conference papers
4. R. Yu, C. Qiu, R. Ladwig, P.C. Hanson, Y. Xie, and X Jia, Physics-guided foundation model for scientific discovery: An application to aquatic science, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (2024)
3. R. Yu, C. Qiu, R. Ladwig, P.C. Hanson, Y. Xie, Y. Li, X. Jia. Adaptive Process-Guided Learning: An application in Predicting Lake DO Concentrations, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (2024).
2. R. Yu, R. Ladwig, X. Xu, P. Zhu, P.C. Hanson, Y. Xie, and X. Jia, Evolution-based feature selection for predicting dissolved oxygen concentrations in lakes, 18th International Conference on Parallel
Problem Solving From Nature (2024).
1. R. Ladwig, E. Matta, R. Hinkelmann, and M. Hupfer, Simulation of water exchange times for
contaminant risk assessment in an urban lake using a depth-averaged 2D model, Proceedings of
the IAHR World Congress (2019).
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